When decorating, if you are looking to apply new wallpaper to a room then it is vital that you prepare the surface properly first. Here is our guide on how to correctly prepare a surface prior to papering.

Before you start we recommend that you wear a face mask and cover your floor with protective sheeting to protect carpets.

1 – Prepare and smooth your wall

Make sure that the wall is completely smooth before attempting to add any new wallpaper. Once you have stripped any old paint surgaces or scarps of the previous wallpaper with a scraper, a sanding block with some fairly fine sandpaper is a good way to get a great finish. The flatter and smoother the surface, the easier the new wallpaper will be to apply when you re-decorate. This leads us onto step 2…

2 – Making good the plaster surface

Carefully scrape out any cracks or holes in your plasterwork, getting rid of loose flakes and dust. Take great care not to be too enthusiastic or risk damaging your plasterwork unnecessarily. A stiffer brush can help you get rid of loose flakes and clean up cracks without creating big holes. Once you have done this then re-fill with plaster filler. If your wall is very powdery then a plater sealant will help secure the surface. Carefully snad over any filled repair work to get a really smooth finish.

3 – Cleaning your surfaces

Once your plaster has been repaired then you should check thoroughly for any other factors which can effect the finish on your decorating work. Dirty wall, and in particular damp can ruin a wallpapering finish very quickly. If you have damp walls then we recommend that you do not paper until the dampness has been treated. If there is mould on the wall, often in corners and near to skirting board, then clean it away and then check the next day to see is any dampness remains. If it does then you should investigate the possibility of rising damp further before applying wallpaper.

Once your surfaces are clean, dry and smooth then you are ready to start wallpapering. Remember, when it comes to this particular decorating activity, good preparation really is everything!